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Monsoon Maladies

It’s the most awaited time of the year, when the rain Gods shower their blessings upon the parched  Mother Earth. Mankind is eagerly awaiting the end of the hot days,along with a burst of greenery that comes with the monsoons.

However, the wet weather brings along with it a number of bugs that are the cause of serious illness. By taking a few protective steps, you can be protected from disease and ensure good health for all. Some of these simple steps include:

  1. Clean and safe drinking water. It is a good idea to drink boiled water during these monsoon times, as the contamination of drinking water by rain water can easily occur.
  2. AVOID eating cut fruits and uncooked foods from outside, especially kept uncovered and exposed.
  3. Wash the vegetables thoroughly before cooking, especially the green leafy vegetables which get easily contaminated with soil and refuse.
  4. ENSURE there is no stagnant water around the house as this breeds flies and insects which carry disease germs.
  5. Keep all drainage channels clean and clear, so that there is no likelihood of sewage overflow and contamination.
  6. Eat freshly cooked food always.
  7. WEAR long sleeved and full length clothes, especially in the evenings and when in outdoor areas.
  8. Close all doors and open windows during early evenings when the mosquitoes tend to rush indoors.
  9. Ensure that all immunization is complete and up to date
  10. Seasonal Influenza vaccine is recommended to be taken before the start of the monsoon season, as the number of cases tend to increase at this time of the year.
  11. This is the season for the spread of water borne diseases like gastroenteritis,typhoid, jaundice,leptospirosis,as well as influenza , respiratory infections etc.
  12. Seek immediate medical attention if you develop any symptoms of illness.