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FAQ’s about COVID-19

Q.What is COVID-19?

COVID-A9 is the name given to the recent global outbreak of infection that is caused by the novel Corona virus. As it began at the end of the year 2019, the number 19 was added on to its nomenclature.

Q.Which countries have been affected by COVID-19?

Several countries across the world have been affected by COVID-19. These include China, Iran and Italy which have the highest number of reported cases and morthailty.

Other countries affected by the disease include USA, France, Japan, Netherlands,Singapore, and many countries across the world.

Q.Which countries have reported deaths due to COVID-19?

The highest number of deaths due to COVID-19 has been reported from China where this outbreak began. Accroding to the World Health Organization, WHO, Italy and Iran followed by USA, France, Netherlands, Japan, UK, Spain, S.Korea and Switzerland have reported deaths .

Q.Have there been any deaths reported from India?

Yes, one death which occured yesterday has been reported from Kalburgi in Karnataka state.

Q,Can COVID-19 Be preveneted?

Yes, by follwoing a few simple practices, it is possible to keep COVID-19 as well as other viral infections away.

Q,Can personal hygiene help to prevent COVID-19?

Yes,a simple practice of hand washing is extremely useful. It has been found that washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is useful in keep away the novel corona virus infection. This must be done before touching the face area especially.


Q.Is it essential to wear a mask to protect oneself?

According to the advisory issued by WHO, the masks are to be used ONLY by those persons who have symptoms of cold,d, cough , runny nose or fever. Besides this, the healthcare workers must use masks while in contact with patients/ relatives/ contacts of patients who could be infected.

Q. What else must be done to stay safe?

1.If you have any symptoms of cough , cold, fever, it is advised that you stay indoors.

2. Avoid crowds/ crowded places.

3. Avoid unwanted travel .

4. Stay at least 1 metre away from people.

5. AVOID shaking hands .

6. Drink plenty of water and other liquids. Eat a healthy and nutritious diet.

7. In case you have amy doubts, please contact your nearest healthcare provider.

Q. How long should a symptomatic person stay away from crowds?

WHO recommends the quarantine period of at least 14 days. This means that if a person is suspected to have been in contact with an infected person, at least 14 days of home quarantine is required.

Q. What can be done if there is no access to water and soap for hand washing?

Using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is recommended to be used. Hands must be cleaned frequently, especially after touching door knobs, tables, chairs, after using the toilet etc.

DO NOT touch your face, nose , eyes or mouth without washing/ sanitizing your hands. This will prevent the virus spread.

Q. Where can i find reliable information regarding COVID-19?

All the reliable information on this new disease is put out by regular updates from the WHO or the CDC. Please check these website for authentic information.DO NOT panic and DO NOT believe all the messages ciruclated on social media.