What to eat this Monsoon that can keep you healthy ?
And more importantly, what to avoid…..
The rains are here bringing respite from the scorching heat , dust and grime. As the skies open up and shower their blessings, the roads turn into unending waits in the traffic! That’s when your hunger pangs could get nagging and push you to look at the street food available. But wait!! Is that really good for you , in this season?
Take a look at what is good and what needs to be avoided this monsoon, and ensure that you stay healthy and enjoy the cool rains.
-Eat freshly cooked food that includes plenty of colors- vegetables that are seasonal should be included, and try to avoid the off season vegetables.
– Include the seasonal fruits in your diet. Late seasonal mangoes are still available. Together with cherries, plums and bananas, you will be consuming a rich source of anti-oxidants and vitamins that will help build up your immunity.
– Ensure that the Indian spices are part of the food that you consume. Turmeric, cinnamon, garlic, ginger,jeera, black pepper, curry leaves- all these are rich source of anti bacterial agents that protect you against infections and disease. They also aid in digestion and keep you feeling comfortable at all times.
– Include a variety of nuts in your diet- walnut, almonds, cashewnuts, dates, and even peanuts. They are rich sources of minerals and vitamins that help to keep you fit and healthy.
– Drink warm water with honey and lemon. This will boost your metabolism, aid digestion and protect against throat infections as well as soothen any respiratory congestion.
– Ensure that you have clean , potable drinking water at all times. The monsoon season is known for the spread of water borne infections like gastroenteritis, typhoid, jaundice, dysentery etc. Make sure you practice hand hygiene especially during this season, and try to be immunized against as many of these diseases as possible.
Now to understand what foods you must avoid during this season-
-On top of the list are green leafy vegetables. The wet and damp weather make sthe leaves spoil easily, making them prone to bacterial infection very easily. Unless you are very sure of the freshness of the leafy vegetables ( like it is from your own kitchen garden), it is better to avoid them during the monsoon.
-Cut vegetables and fruits bought outdoors must be avoided, as they are easily contaminated and can carry germs.
– Street food-all the varieties of chaats appear tempting and mouth watering, but you can never be sure of the source of the water they use. It is best to stay away from these foods and stay safe.
-Avoid sea foods as much as possible. This is the breeding season and the fish that is available in the market may not be always fresh.
-Avoid consuming fried foods, pakodas and bajjis, especially from outside, unless you are sure that it has been prepared under hygienic conditions.
Avoid monsoon maladies and enjoy the wettest time of the year. This season is essential for normal life to go on for the rest of the year as, water is the elixir of all life!