Infant Supplements
Do babies need any supplements ?
Breast milk is the best milk for every baby. Ideally this is a complete and wholesome nutrition which should provide all the required nutrients for the growth and development. However, it has been found that the mother’s nutrition may not contain all the nutrients in the desired proportions which are needed for the baby’s proper growth and development. Hence, supplements are essential for the baby.
Does a breast fed baby get adequate amount of nutritional factors and supplements?
Ideally , the breast milk is the most appropriate infant food. This means, that it provides your baby with all the nutritional factors that are required for its proper growth. Very often, the mother does not consume a diet which can provide all these nutrients. The breast milk then draws these nutrients like iron and calcium from the mother’s body and provides it to the baby to some extent.As a result, the mother’s body tends to develop deficiency and the baby too may not have adequate amounts of all the nutrients.
How is Vit D useful for the baby?
Vit D is produced in the body upon exposure to sunlight. It is also got from certain food like oily fish . However, if the mother is not exposed to sunlight adequately or does not consume fish, the levels of Vit D in her body are low. Thus the breast milk will not contain sufficient amounts of Vit D.
Vit D is required for the growth and strength of the bones and muscles. Vit D is also linked to the prevention of rickets in infants
What is the daily requirement of Vit D for infants?
The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended a daily intake of 400 IU for all infants. This is due to the decreased exposure to sunlight. This supplementation must be begun soon after birth and continued for the first year of life.
Is iron supplementation needed for infants?
Iron is an essential micronutrient that is critical for motor and cognitive development of the infant,Low haemoglobin levels are associated with poorer mental concentration capacity . It has been found that most pregnant and lactating mothers have low iron stores in their body. Thus the breast milk is deficient in iron, and the infant will not receive adequate amounts of this vitamin via the breast milk. Supplementation of iron may be needed under these circumstances.
What other vitamins are needed for infant supplementation?
All vitamins are needed in an optimal amount to ensure the proper growth and development of the infant.
Vit A is needed to support the healthy eyesight and the normal immune functions of the infant. It has been found that most pregnant women are deficient in Vit A and hence are unable to provide normal required amounts for their infants.
Zinc is a mineral that is known to promote the resistance to infections, improve the immunity and helps in the proper growth and development of the nervous system. It can also help in protecting against diarrheal diseases by improving the gut barrier, as well as maintenance of other mucosal linings. Zinc supplementation can be invaluable in ensuring a healthy infant.
The B-Complex vitamins, like B1, B6 and B12 are essential for the normal neurodevelopment as well as for maintaining the red blood cells in the body. Vit C in adequate amounts will protect against infection and helps to heal wounds. Supplementation of all these vitamins and minerals may be needed when the mother is deficient in all of them.
Are supplements needed for infants given formula feeds?
Most infant formulas are already fortified with all the required vitamins and minerals. Usually this is adequate for the daily requirements. However, Vit D supplements may be given after checking the amount that is provided by the supplement formula.