The Influenza virus hits hard every year. It tends to get active during and after the monsoon season, when clusters of cases are detected.
But why is there so much concern about the Influenza virus?
Well, the influenza virus is a very smart player. It understands how to avoid detection and create the maximum damage. It does this by making changes in its genetic make- up. This is called “mutation of the virus.”
This mutation allows the virus to go undetected by the body’s immune system which would have developed resistance to the previous years’ infection. It also makes it capable of creating severe symptoms in the patient.
Are there different types of Influenza virus?
There are several types of this virus, but the important ones are the Influenza A and B types. The A type has several subtypes which mutate with different permutations and combinations, capable of causing a range of severity of disease. The A type can be further subdivided in to different strains The B type is not divided into sub types but is divided into different strains and lineages.
The Type C influenza virus tends to cause a mild respiratory infection, and is not known to cause epidemics. The D type of iNfluenza virus affects cattle and is not known to infect humans.
What are the symptoms of influenza(flu)?
The symptoms can vary in degree from a mild to a very severe infection. The symptosm start suddenly,and may cause:
- Fever
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Body ache
- Runny/stuffy nose
- Headache
- Chills
- Fatigue
- Loose stools and vomiting- Occasionally
- Sometimes it can cause severe respiratory infection and cause death of the patient.
Most of the symptoms are non -specific and cannot be differentiated from other viral infections.
- People with flu are most contagious 3-4 days before their illness begins. This means that they are capable of transmitting infection at this time, maximally to those around them.
- Younger children and older people , with weaker immune systems can contract the infection even beyond these periods.
- The period of contagiousness can vary from person to person.
How is flu spread?
Infection spreads in tiny droplets that are made when a patient sneezes, coughs or talks. These droplets can land on the mouth or noses of people nearby. They may also land on tables and other surfaces , where they rest and are picked up upon touching these objects.
Is it possible to prevent Flu ?
A vaccine is available, that is prepared based on the circulating strains of the virus in the community. As the virus mutates and changes each year, this vaccine too is changed every year.
It is recommended to take the Flu vaccine on an Annual basis, at the onset of the influenza season, to provide protection against this dreaded disease.