What sort of food is recommended for a new mother?
It is important for a new mother to eat a healthy diet. The severe stress of pregnancy and delivery are combined with the demands placed by lactation on the mother’s body. The breast milk secretes the nutrients which are the only source for the new born infant. What the mother eats has a direct bearing upon the baby’s growth. Hence it is very important for the mother to consume a diet rich in all food classes.
What nutrients should be present in the mother’s diet?
The mother must consume a diet which is rich in energy, proteins and fats. Besides these, it should also contain the nutrients like iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and other elements. It should also be rich in all the vitamins that help with the normal growth and development of the infant. Besides these, the mother requires a good amount of fluid intake , which helps in the production of milk.
What vitamins and supplements are needed by a breast feeding mother?
All the daily vitamin and mineral requirements must be met from the diet of the mother. Besides this, it is recommended that she takes regular iron supplements. An extra supplement of calcium is generally advised to cover the extra demands placed by lactation. Multivitamin supplements may be given in case the diet consumption does not cover all the recommended nutrients.
Are there any natural foods that are a good source of calcium?
Foods like milk , cheese , eggs, paneer, etc contain a high calcium content. Besides these, Ragi which is a type of millet, is also rich in calcium. These foods must form part of the diet of a lactating mother.
Is there are way to improve the quality of mother’s milk?
Having a well balanced diet will ensure that the milk produced contains all the required nutrients. Besides this. Eating good quality protein is essential to produce a better quality of milk. Good fats will ensure that the milk contains the recommended fats which will assist in the brain development of the infant.
Is it essential to have a multivitamin supplementation?
The B-Complex vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of the infant. Low levels of Vit B6 may have an adverse impact on the mother and infant. This is in the form of neurological symptoms. Thiamine requirements are also higher during lactation and in case of low intake, its levels will fall in the mother’s blood. Folate is another nutrient that is required to be supplemented, as the levels are found to fall during the early stages of lactation.
Are the trace elements also important during lactation?
Besides Calcium and Iron, other elements in the diet are important for the normal growth and development of the infant. These include Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Manganese etc. Nuts, legumes, seeds, oysters etc are rich in Magnesium. Sea foods, eggs, poultry , whole grains etc are rich in Zinc. These are needed for the normal skin, membranes and enzyme functions in the body.