The corona virus epidemic has hit the world!
WIth its epicentre at Wuhan, China, this virus is spreading across the globe as it is carried by travelers from China.
What is the Corona Virus?
This is a virus that belongs to the family of the common cold virus. This virus often is capable of mutation which results in the newer strains that are more virulent. These mutated viruses are capable of producing severe symptoms. The symptoms can progress rapidly and cause deterioration of the infected patient. The previous outbreaks caused by MERS Cov and SARS Cov, which were mutated forms of this corona virus, had resulted in much destruction.
This virus is usually present in animals like bats, birds , snakes and others. The virus gets transmitted to humans from these sources
How is the virus spread?
The virus spreads to humn beings from infected animals. By living in close proximity or consuming the meat of infected animals, the virus is transmitted. In China, bat soup is a delicacy, and the consumption of this may have led to the transmission to humans. The virus then spreads amongst human beings by close proximity. It also remains viable on inanimate objects like books, door knobs, tables, writing articles etc.
What are the symptoms of Corona virus infection?
The symptoms of this disease are similar to that of a common cold virus.
Cold, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath , fever, sore throat are some of the common symptoms. This can progress to bronchitis, pneumonia and other complications rapidly.
How is the corona virus infection diagnosed?
A strong suspicion of this infection helps to detect corona virus. The secretions produced, the throat swab or the blood may be collected and tested for the virus. This requires special methods and is done in a centralised laboratory. Any suspected patient needs to be quarantined and closely monitored for change in symptoms and disease spread.
What treatment is available?
At present, there is no definite treatment for the corona virus infection. the patient needs to isolated and monitired for any change in the symptoms. The patient must be treated for the symptoms that are present. Most important is to ensure that the patient is well hydarted and all the vital parameters are stable.
How can we stay protected?
Currently, there is NO Vaccine available. Hence it is better to follow some simple steps to stay healthy.
- Wash hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds each time.
- DO NOT touch your eyes, mouth of nose area with unclean hands
- DO NOT travel outside when you are unwell
- DO NOT shake hands with anyone who is unwell
- Drink plenty of liquids especially water , and stay well hydrated always
- Clean and disinfect surfaces like table tops, door knobs, door handles etc reqgularly
- Stay away from people who appear unwell or sick
- Avoid eating meats which are raw or not well cooked
- Above all, try to limit your overseas travel !!!
The Corona virus outbreak is being monitored closely by all the governments of the world. there is no need for panic. However, it is always good to Be AWARE and Stay PROTECTED.