What exactly is dengue? How is it caused?
Dengue is a viral infection that is spread by a vector, which is the mosquito. Dengue cannot spread from person to person, but occurs due to the bite of an infected mosquito.
These mosquitoes belong to the species Aedes aegyptior Aedes Albopictus which are day biting mosquitoes.These mosquitoes also spread other viruese like Zika , Chikungunya etc.
Occurrence of Dengue
This disease occurs more commonly during the pre-monsoon and monsoon season. Annually almost 400 million people are affected by dengue, one quarter of them are sick due to this infection, while almost 22,000 deaths are reported annually. 40% of the world’s population in 100 countries globally are at risk of this dreaded disease.
Types of virus
The dengue virus belongs to the genus of Flaviviridae. It has 4 serotypes, type 1, 2,3 and 4. One episode of infection with one serotype does not provide protection against the infection by a different serotype. Hence it is possible for a person to have infection with dengue virus 4 times in a life time, each with a different serotype.
Areas of multiplication
The mosquitoes breed in stagnant or collected pools of water. Any water collection, which remains without movement is the area where the mosquito larave can be detected.Water collected in buckets, uncovered storage tanks, flower pots, discarded tyres,open containers and vessels are all potential areas for mosquito multiplication.
Signs and symptoms
The signs and symptoms can vary from mild to severe.It may be initially indistinguishable from any viral illness.
Fever is the common presenting symptom, which may be high grade and intemittent. Associated features include joint pains, nausea, vomiting,pain behidn the eyes and rash.The rash tends to be generalized , small red dots.
1 in 4 persons can suffer from sever dengue , which can be dangerous and fatal.
Blood tests are needed to be done to confirm the diagnosis of Dengue fever, the sample must be collected and sent for screening for NS1 antigen, Dengue IgG & IgM
A positive NS1 antigen test confirms the diagnosis of Dengue fever infection.
There is no definite treatment for dengue infection.
It is important to stay well hydrated, with plenty of fluids including water, ORS, Fresh fruit juice, coconut water, rice gruel etc. This will prevent the internal dehydration that happens due to the fluid collection inside the internal organs that happens in dengue infection.
A mild anti fever medicine may be taken, preferably Paracetamol. DO NOT use Ibuprofen. Adequate rest is needed for the bone and joint pains.
DO NOT PANIC, But contact your health care provider at the earliest.
Above all, protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites!!